Suggest suitable mechanism (s) for waste management in fertilizer industries.
Following are some methods which should be used for waste management in fertilizer industries:
Use of catalytic converters in chimneys: Chimneys of a factory may produce many harmful gases and SPMs (suspended particulate matters). A catalytic converter helps in minimizing the harmful gases in the exhaust fume.
Electrostatic precipitators in chimneys: Electrostatic precipitator helps in minimizing SPMs in exhaust. Thus, it helps in minimizing air pollution.
Effluent treatment: All steps should be taken to prevent direct discharge of effluents into the nearest waterbody. An effluent treatment plant should be installed in the factory. It should have proper facilities for physical, chemical and biological treatment of effluent.
This will help in checking the pollution of waterbodies. It will also help in utilsing the treated water as source for irrigation. This water can also be used as drinking water after further treatment.