CBSE Notes, Lectures

CBSE - Civics - What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

NCERT Exercise

Are the following statements in keeping with democracy as a value? Why?

Are the following statements in keeping with democracy as a value? Why?
(a) Father to daughter: I don’t want to hear your opinion about your marriage. In our family children marry where the parents tell them to.
(b) Teacher to student: Don’t disturb my concentration by asking me questions in the classroom.
(c) Employee to the officer: Our working hours must be reduced according to the law.


(a) This statement of father is undemocratic as every adult has right to choose their life partner. The father does not have right to impose their choice on daughter.

(b) This statement also is not under democratic setup. The student have right to ask question. This is undemocratic if his right is denied.

(c) The third statement is democratic as it calls for a rule of law which is beneficial for the employees.
