CBSE Notes, Lectures

CBSE - Civics - What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

What is Democracy? Why Democracy?


Democracy MCQ 1

Q.13 which of these features is/are necessary to provide the basic rights to the citizens?
(a) Citizens should be free to think (b) should be free to form associations
(c) Should be free to raise protest (d) All the above

Q.14.Which organ of the government is required to protect the rights of the citizens?
(a) Executive (b) Legislature (c) Independent judiciary (d) Police

Q.15. What is Constitutional Law?
(a) Provisions given in the Constitution (b) Law to make Constitution
(c) Law to set up Constituent Assembly (d) none of the above

Q.16.Which of these is permitted under the Rule of Law?
(a) Prime Minister can be punished for violating the Constitution. (b) Police has a right to kill anybody.
(c) Women can be paid lesser salaries (d) President can rule for as long as he wants.

Q.17.Some of the drawbacks of democracy is
(a) Instability and delays (b) corruption and hypocrisy
(c) Politicians fighting among themselves (d) all the above

Q.18. In which of these cases can democracy not provides a complete solution?
(a) Removing poverty completely (b) Providing education to all
(c) Giving jobs to all (d) All the above
Q19. In which period did China face one of the worst famines that have occurred in the world?
(a) 1932­36 (b) 1958­61 (c) 2001­2002 (d) 2004­2007

Q20 A democratic government is better than a non­democratic government because
(a) It may or may not be accountable (b) It always responds to the needs of the people
(c) It is a more accountable form of government (d) None of the above

Q.21. Democracy improves the quality of decision­making because
(a) Decisions are taken by educated people (b) Decisions are taken by consultation and discussion
(c) Decisions are taken over a long period of time (d) All decisions are approved by judiciary

Q.22.How does democracy allows us to correct its own mistakes?
(a) Mistakes are hidden and cannot be corrected
(b) Re­electing the same government to enable it to correct its mistakes
(c) The rulers can be changed (d) none of the above

Q.23.The most common form that democracy takes in our time is that of
(a) Limited democracy (b) representative democracy
(c) Maximum democracy (d) none of the above

Q.24.Which body in Indian political system is an example of direct democracy?
(a) Zila Parishad (b) Panchayat Samiti (c) Gram Sabha (d) Vidhan Sabha

Q.25.Which of these is an example of perfect democracy?
(a) USA (b) UK (c) India (d) None of the above

Q.26Which of these is not a feature of monarchy, dictatorship or one­party rule?
(a) Censorship of press (b) No opposition party or parties
(c) Citizens taking part in politics (d) One­man rule


13 (d) 14 (c) 15 (a) 16 (a) 17 (d) 18 (d) 19 (b) 20 (c) 21(b) 22 (c) 23 (b) 24 (c) 25 (d) 26 (c)
