Constitutional Design MCQ
Q.1. On what charges was Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment?
(a) For treason (b) For breaking the laws
(c) For corruption charges (d) for possessing illegal property
Q.2. what is apartheid?
(a) Election in proportion to population (b) Official policy of discrimination against the Blacks
(c) Equality among all (d) None of the above
Q.3. In which way did the system of apartheid discriminate among the South Africans?
(a) Restricted social contacts between the races (b) Segregation of public facilities
(c) Created racespecific job categories (d) All the above
Q.4. Name the organisation that led the struggle against the policies of segregation.
(a) African National Conference (b) African Neutral Congress
(c) African National Congress (d) All National Party
Q.5. why did the white regime decide to change its policies?
(a) Increase in protests and struggles
(b) Government realised that repression was becoming difficult
(c) Rise of sympathetic attitude in government for the blacks
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Q.6. which of these did not form a part of the changed attitude of South African government?
(a) Discriminatory laws were repealed (b) Ban on political parties and media was lifted
(c) Nelson Mandela was freed from imprisonment (d) More discriminatory laws were passed
Q.7. when did South Africa become a democratic country?
(a) 26 April, 1995 (b) 26 April, 1994 (c) 24 March, 1994 (d) 27 April, 1996
Q.8. With the end of apartheid, who became the first President of South African Republic?
(a) F.W. de Klerk (b) P.W. Botha (c) Nelson Mandela (d) None of the above
Q.9. Name the autobiography of Nelson Mandela.
(a) The Long Walk to Freedom (b) South Africa Wins Freedom (c) Walk to Freedom (d) Our Freedom
Q.10. what did the black population want in the new Constitution?
(a) A black President (b) Substantial social and economic rights
(c) Whites should be turned out of the country (d) Apartheid for the whites
Q.11. what did the white minority want from the new Constitution?
(a) Protect its privileges and property (b) A separate country for themselves
(c) Reservation in legislature (d) some special rights
Q.12. During negotiations for making the Constitution, the whites agreed to
(a) The principle of majority rule (b) One person one vote
(c) Accept some basic rights for the poor and the workers (d) All the above
Q.13. which of the following sentences is correct?
(a) All countries that have constitutions are necessarily democratic
(b) All countries that are democratic necessarily have constitutions
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above)
Q.14. when did Motilal Nehru draft a Constitution for India?
(a) 1927 (b) 1926 (c) 1929 (d) 1928
Q.15. Where was the 1931 session of Indian National Congress held?
(a) Nagpur (b) Karachi (c) Calcutta (d) Delhi
Q.16. which of these features were accepted by all the Indian leaders much before they satDown to make the Constitution?
(a) Universal adult franchise (b) Right to freedom
(c) Protection of the rights of minorities (d) All the above
Q.17. According to which Act were the elections held to provincial legislatures in India in 1937?
(a) Government of India Act, 1935 (b) Government of India Act, 1919
(c) Government of India Act, 1909 (d) None of the above
Q.18. which of these inspired our leaders while framing the Constitution?
(a) Ideals of the French Revolution (b) Parliamentary democracy in Britain
(c) Bill of Rights in US (d) All the above
Q.19. which revolution in the world inspired the Indians to set up a socialist economy?
(a) French Revolution (b) Turkish Revolution
(c) Russian Revolution (d) American War of Independence
Q.20. Name the body which framed the Constitution of India?
(a) General Assembly (b) Constituent Assembly (c) Constitutional Assembly (d) People’s Assembly
1(a) 2 (b) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 (d) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (a) 10(b)
11 (a) 12(d) 13(b) 14 (d) 15 (b) 16 (d) 17 (a) 18(d) 19 (c) 20 (b)