NCERT Solution: The Living World
Contributions - Contributors
Cell theory - Schleiden and Schwann
Central Dogma of Molecular genetics (Name) - Crick
Chromosomal Theory of Linkage - Morgan and Castle
Chromosomal Theory of inheritance - Sutton and Boveri
Cohesion Theory of Ascent of Sap - Dixon and Jolly
Double fertilization of Angiosperms - Nawaschin and Guingard
Gene Theory (Linkage of genes) - Morgan
Germplasm Theory - Weismann
Germ Theory of disease - L. Pasteur
Induced fit Hypothesis of enzyme - Koshland
Mutation Theory - Hugo de Vries
Omnis cellula e cellula - R. Virchow
One gene-one enzyme theory - Beadle and Tatum
Operon Concept of Gene action - Jacob and Monod
Organic evolution - Darwin and Wallace
'Protoplasm is the physical basis of life' (Book) - Huxley
Theory of Acquired Characters - Lamarck
Theory of Natural Selection - Charles Darwin