NCERT Solution: The Living World
Inventions and discoveries - Contributors
ATP - Karl Lohmann (1929)
Blood groups A, B and O - K. Landsteiner (1900)
Blood group AB - de Castello and Sturli (1902)
C3 pathway of plants - Melvin Calvin
C4 pathway of plants - Hatch and Slack
Chargaff's rule of DNA base composition - Erwin Chargaff
First test tube baby - Edwards and Steptoe
First vaccination - Edward Jenner
Heterothallism in fungi - A. F. Blakeslee
Insecticidal properties of DDT - Dr. Paul Muller (1939)
Jumping genes (transposons) - Mc. Clintock
Patau's syndrome - K. Patau
Penicillin - A. Fleming (1920)
Photophosphorylation in chloroplast - Arnon
TMV virus (discovery) - D. J. Ivanowski
Vitamin - Kazimierz Funk (1911)