Electoral Politics CBSE Notes, Lectures

CBSE - Electoral Politics

  • By: Admin
  • A polling booth is a place where voters go inside and election officials identify them and put a mark on their finger and allow them to caste the vote. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections are held regularly after every five years.

    2. After five years the term of all the elected representatives come to an end.

    3. The Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha stands dissolved.

    4. Elections are held in all constituencies at the same time, either on the same day or within a few days. This is called General Elections.

  • By: Admin
  • 1. Elections held before the fixed tenure is termed as Mid-Term elections.  

    2. Sometimes election is held only for one constituency to fill the vacancy caused by death or resignation of a member. This called a By Election. 

  • By: Admin
  • Which of the following statements about the reasons for conducting elections are false?
    (a) Elections enable people to judge the performance of the government.
    (b) People select the representative of their choice in an election.
    (c) Elections enable people to evaluate the performance of the judiciary.
    (d) People can indicate which policies they prefer.
    ANS (c) Elections enable people to evaluate the performance of the judiciary.

  • By: Admin
  • Which of these is not a good reason to say that Indian elections aredemocratic?
    (a) India has the largest number of voters in the world.
    (b) India’s Election Commission is very powerful.
    (c) In India, everyone above the age of 18 has a right to vote.
    (d) In India, the losing parties accept the electoral verdict.
    ANS (a) India has the largest number of voters in the world.

  • By: Admin
  • Match the following: 

    (a) It is necessary to keep the voters' list up to date because (i) there is a fair representation of all sections of our society
    (b) Some constituencies are reserved for SCs and STs so that (ii) everyone has equal opportunity to elect their representatives
    (c) Everyone has one and only one vote so that (iii) all candidates must have a fair chance of competing in elections
    (d) Party in power is not allowed to use government vehicles because (iv) some people may have moved away from the area where they voted last


    (a)- iv, (b)- i ,(c) -ii, (d)- iii

  • By: Admin
  • List all the different election related activities mentioned in the chapter and arrange them in a time sequence, beginning with the first activity and ending with the last. Some of these activities are given below: releasing election manifestos; counting of votes; making of voters’ list; election campaign; declaration of election results; casting of votes; ordering of re-poll; announcing election schedule; filing nomination.


    Making of voters’ list → Announcing election schedule → Releasing election manifesto → Election campaign → Filing nomination → Casting of votes → Ordering of re-poll → Counting of votes → Declaration of election results.

  • By: Admin
  • (a) Election campaign

    (a) She will have to focus on various duties such as ensure that candidates cannot bribe or threaten voters, expenditure limit is not crossed by a candidate, candidates not appeal to vote in the name of religion or caste, they not use worship place for campaign or use any government resources.

    (b) Polling day


     She will have to crosscheck the voters’ list and check ID proof of the voters, booth capturing not tak place. Ensure that Free and fair election should be conducted.

    (c) Counting day


    She have to look on counting is carried out, represntatives of all parties present at counting area in order to avoid malpractices,

  • By: Admin
  • The table below gives the proportion of different communities among the candidates who won elections to the US Congress. Compare these to the proportion of these communities in the population of the US.Based on this, would you suggest a system of reservations in the US Congress? If yes, why and for which communities? If no, why not?


    Proportion of the community (in per cent) in the

    House of Representatives

    Population of US











    Blacks and Hispanics should be given reservation in the US Congress as per their percentage in the US population.

  • By: Admin
  • Can we draw the following conclusions from the information given in this chapter? Give two facts to support your position for each of these.
    (a) Election Commission of India does not have enough powers to conduct free and fair elections in the country.
    (b) There is a high level of popular participation in the elections in our country.
    (c) It is very easy for the party in power to win an election.
    (d)  Many reforms are needed to make our elections completely free and fair.


    (a) The Election Commission of India is powerful enough to conduct free and fair elections:→ It implements the code of conduct and punishes any candidate or party that violates it.
    → In Elections, Government officials work under the EC and not the government.

    (b) There is a high level of popular participation in the elections:
    → Voter turnout has increased over the past years.
    → Election-related activities in the last few years have seen a larger participation by the people.

    (c) It is not very easy for the party in power to win an election:
    → The ruling parties routinely lose elections.
    → Candidates who are known to spend a lot of money often lose elections.

    (d) Certain Reforms are necessary to make our elections completely free and fair:
    → To ensure that indepents and small parties not suffer in elections.
    → To ensure candidates with criminal records not participate.

  • By: Admin
  • This decision does not go against the principles of democratic elections. Any person who is convicted for a crime has not right to remain a part of the society and hence has no right to contest the election.

  • By: Admin
  • Here are some reports of electoral malpractices from different parts of the world. Is there anything that these countries can learn from India to improve their elections? What would you suggest in each case?
    (a) During an election in Nigeria, the officer in charge of counting votes deliberately increased the votes of one candidate and declared him elected. The court later found out that more than five lakh exercises votes cast for one candidate were counted in favour of another.

    (b) Just before elections in Fiji, a pamphlet was distributed warning voters that a vote for former Prime Minister, Mahendra Chaudhry will lead to bloodshed. This was a threat to voters of Indian origin.

    (c) In the US, each state has its own method of voting, its own procedure of counting and its own authority for conducting elections. Authorities in the state of Florida took many controversial decisions that favoured Mr. Bush in the presidential elections in 2000. But no one could change those decisions.



    (a) In this case, representatives of each candidate should be present to make sure that the votes are counted in a fair way.

    (b) The election commission should set up an enquiry into the case and debar the candidate or party involved in distributing such pamphlets.

    (c) There should be a single election commission which should be free from political influence and should be responsible for conducting elections throughout the country.

  • By: Admin
  • Here are some reports of malpractices in Indian elections. Identify what the problem in each case is. What should be done to correct the situation?
    (a) Following the announcement of elections, the minister promised to provide financial aid to reopen the closed sugar mill.
    (b) Opposition parties alleged that their statements and campaign was not given due attention in Doordarshan and All India Radio.
    (c) An inquiry by the Election Commission showed that electoral rolls of a state contain name of 20 lakh fake voters.
    (d) The hoodlums of a political party were moving with guns, physically preventing supporters of other political parties to meet the voters and attacking meetings of other parties.


    (a) After announcement of election, it is not legal to announce policy decisions according to Code of Conduct. The minister should be immediately taken to task by the Election Commission.

    (b) The election commission must enusre that all politcal party are given equal oppurtunity to appear on Doordarshan and All India Radio. EC take action against misuse of this media.

    (c) The presence of the fake voters means that the elections were rigged by the authorities who prepared the electoral rolls. The election commission should supervise preparation of fresh electoral rolls.

    (d) By using hoodlums, the political party is terrorising its rivals. The election commission should order the arrest of the hoodlums and bar the party from the elections.

  • By: Admin
  • Ramesh was not in class when this chapter was being taught. He came the next day and repeated what he had heard from his father. Can you tell Ramesh what is wrong with these statements?
    (a) Women always vote the way men tell them to. So what is the point of giving them the right to vote?
    (b) Party politics creates tension in society. Elections should be decided by consensus not by competition.
    (c) Only graduates should be allowed to stand as candidates for elections.


    (a) The statement is wrong because the policy of secret ballot ensures that an individual can vote for whoever he/she wants. Women are fully capable of taking decisions on their own and selecting the candidate they like.

    (b) Competition works as both deterrent and motivator for the political candidates. A fear of losing the election and a motivation for winning the elections works in favour of people.

    (c) Educational qualification is not required to understand the people’s needs, and to represent their interests. Therefore, it is not necessary for politicians to be graduates.

  • By: Admin
  • 1. It promotes the national unity and integrity.

    2. It is according to the law of equality.

    3. It gives a chance to people to gain political education. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. Polling Day: On this day voter are casting votes in a proper manner to elect their representatives. While casting vote their identity card are being checked properly by the authorities.

    2. Counting Day: On this day votes are counted and the results are declared. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. This is not completely true.

    2. They are aware and self dependent now.

    3. Women should have the right to vote because generally they do vote according to their choice and it is according to the principle of Universal Adult Franchise. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. Yes, it partially true that some time party politics creates tension in the society. 

    2. Electoral completion is necessary to provide opportunities to political parties and this atmosphere forces them to serve the people.

    3. But the elections and political parties are the soul of democracy.

    4. We cannot imagine democracy without political parties. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. People’s participation in election is usually measured by voter turnout figures.

    2. Turnout indicates the percent of eligible voters who actually cast their vote.

    3. In India the poor, illiterate and underprivileged people vote in larger proportion as compared to the rich and privileged section.

    4. The interest of voters in election-related activities has been increasing over the years.  

    5. More than half of the people identified themselves as being close to one or other political party.

    6. One out of every seven voters is a member of a political party. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. The ruling party routinely loses elections in India both at the national level.  

    2. In fact in every two out of the three elections held in the last fifteen years, the ruling party lost.

    3. In India about half of the sitting MPs or MLAs lose elections.

    4. Candidates who are known to have spent a lot of money on buying votes and those with known criminal connections often lose elections.

    5. Barring very few disputed elections, the electoral outcomes are usually accepted as people’s verdict by the defeated party.

  • By: Admin
  • It is a mechanism by which people can choose their representatives at regular intervals. 

  • By: Admin
  • For election purpose, the entire country is divided into fixed electoral areas with a body of registered voters. 

  • By: Admin
  • A ballot paper is sheet of paper on which the names of the contesting candidates along with the party name and symbols are listed. 

  • By: Admin
  • It grants recognition to political parties and it allots symbols to candidate and political parties. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. No, it is not correct to say that only graduates should be allowed to stand as candidates for elections.

    2. Elections have nothing to do with the educational qualification of candidates.

    3. After independence maximum leaders of India were under graduates. They are more intelligent, honest and sincere as comparison to the qualified leaders of today

    4. This criterion will also deprive the major section of society to contest the elections. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. The Congress Party led by Indira Gandhi gave the slogan of “Garibi Hatao” in the Lok Sabha elections of 1971.

    2. The Party promised to reorient all the policies of the government to remove poverty from the country. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. “Save democracy” was the slogan given by Janata Party in the Lok Sabha elections held in 1977.

    2. This slogan was given against the Emergency rule imposed by congress Party in India during 1975-1976.

    3. The party promised to undo the excess committed during Emergency and restore civil liberties. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1.  “Protect the self respect of the Telugus” was the slogan used by N.T. RamaRao.

    2. He was the leader of the Telugu Desam Party in Andhra Pradesh.

    3. This slogan was raised during Assembly election in 1983. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. The most obvious form is the competition among political parties. At the constituency level, it takes the form of competition among several candidates. It there is no competition, elections will become pointless.

    2. It creates the sense of disunity and factionalism in every locality.

    3. It creates party politics among political parties. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. When a constituency is reserved for people belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes-such constituency is known as reserved constituency.

    2. The constitution makers were worried that certain weaker sections may not stand a good chance to get elected to the Lok Sabha and the State Legislative Assemblies.

    3. The weaker sections may not have sufficient resources to win elections against the resourceful and influential persons. 4. In such situation if the reservation is not given, our Parliament and Assemblies would become deprived of the voice of a significant section of our population.

    5. If such downtrodden categories of the society do not contest and win election, our democracy will become less representative and less democratic. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. Political parties make an environment of completion.

    2. Political helps in the formation of public opinion.

    3. Political parties help in spreading political awareness among people.

    4. A Political party who won maximum no of seats or gain majority forms the government of a democratic country.

    5. A political party, who loses, sits in the opposition and stops the political party who is in power to become a dictator.

    6.   All the political parties are necessary for the democracies and democracies cannot exist without political parties. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. Which of the following is not a feature of Election system in India?

    (a) Universal Adult Franchise

    (b) Secret Voting

    (c) Reservation of seats in the legislature for the members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

    (d) Communal Electorate

    2. Elections in India for Parliament and State Legislatures are conducted by

    (a) President

    (b) Prime Minister

    (c) Governor

    (d) Election Commission of India

    3. Members of Election Commission are appointed by

    (a) President of India

    (b) Prime Minister of India

    (c) Elected by the people

    (d) Chief Justice of India

    4. By-Election is the election which is held

    (a) directly

    (b) indirectly

    (c) to fill up a vacancy in the legislature

    (d) when a legislature is dissolved before the expiry of its normal term.

    5. In Democracy Elections are important because

    (a) The formation of government becomes easy

    (b) They help in the formation of opposition party

    (c) They are a check on the working of the government

    (d) All of the above

    6. Following is a weakness (challenge to) Indian election system:

    (a) Secret Ballot

    (b) Use of Electronic Voting Machines

    (c) Misuse of Official Machinery

    (d) Universal Adult Franchise


    1. (d) 2. (d)

    3. (a) 4. (c)

    5. (d) 6. (c)

  • By: Admin
  • Q.1. Who led the ‘Nyaya Yudh’?
    (a) Chaudhary Charan Singh (b) Chaudhary Devi Lal
    (c) Ajit Singh (d) None of these

    Q.2.What was the promise Devi Lal made to the farmers and small businessmen?
    (a) He would waive the loans of farmers and small businessmen
    (b) He would lessen the rate of interest on their loans
    (c) He would modernise agriculture
    (d) He would provide free seeds and pesticides to them

    Q.3.Which of these is not a feature of Indian democracy?
    (a) India has the largest number of voters in the world
    (b) India’s Election Commission is very powerful
    (c) In India, everyone above the age of 18 has a right to vote
    (d) ) In India, the losing parties refuse to accept the electoral verdict

    Q.4Which of these is not a condition of a democratic election?
    (a) Everyone is allowed to vote (b) There are political parties to contest elections
    (c) The candidate not preferred by people gets elected (d) Elections are held at regular intervals

    Q.5.What is meant by the term ‘constituency’?
    (a) Place where the copy of constitution is kept
    (b) A particular area from where voters elect a representative to the Lok Sabha / Vidhan Sabha
    (c) A body of voters
    (d) None of the above

    Q.6.Which of the options below is the demerits of the electoral competition?
    (a) Creates a sense of factionalism (b) Parties use dirty tricks to win elections
    (c) Parties respect each other (d) both (a) and (b)

    Q.7In India, elections for which of these bodies are held after every five years?
    (a) Rajya Sabha (b) Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha (c) Vidhan Parishad
    (d) Only Lok Sabha

    Q.8. Elections held after the term of 5 years of Lok Sabha are called­
    (a) Mid­term elections (b) General elections (c) By­elections (d) Special elections

    Q.9.What is an election held for only one constituency to fill the vacancy caused due to the death or resignation of a member called?
    (a) By­election (b) Mid­term election (c) General election (d) None of these

    Q.10. Into how many constituencies is the country divided for Lok Sabha elections?
    (a) 544 (b) 543 (c) 560 (d) 535

    Q.11. Constituencies called ‘wards’ are made for the election to
    (a) Parliament (b) State Legislative Assembly
    (c) State Legislative Council (d) Panchayats and municipal bodies

    Q.12. How many seats are reserved in Lok Sabha for the Scheduled Tribes?
    (a) 40 (b) 41 (c) 51 (d) 71

    Q.13. Which of these is not a part of the district and local level bodies?
    (a) Panchayats (b) Municipalities (c) Corporations (d) Lok Sabha

    Q.14.Which of the options given below is applicable to the principle of Universal Adult Franchise?
    (a) Only rich and educated can vote (b) Only men can vote 
    (c) All citizens aged 18 and above can vote (d) only employed people can vote

    Q.15. for voting, the voter has to show which of these as identity proof?
    (a) Ration card (b) Driving license (c) Election Photo Identity Card (d) None of these


    1 (b)2 (a)3 (d)4 (c)5 (b)6 (d)7 (b)8 (b)9 (a)10 (b)11 (d)12 (b)13(d)14 (c)15 (d)

  • By: Admin
  • Q.16.What is the minimum age required to contest an election to Lok Sabha?
    (a) 20 years (b) 18 years (c) 25 years (d) 30 years

    Q.17.What is the details the candidates have to give in the legal declaration before contesting the elections?
    (a) Serious criminal cases pending against them
    (b) Details of assets and liabilities of the candidate and his or her family
    (c) Educational qualification of the candidate (d) All the above

    Q.18.What is a set of norms and guidelines, which is to be followed by political parties and contesting candidates during the election time, called?
    (a) Discipline Roll (b) Code of Conduct (c) Conduct rules (d) Both (a) and (b)

    Q.19 Name the body which conducts the elections in India
    (a) Supreme Court (b) Parliament (c) Cabinet (d) Election Commission

    Q.20. How is the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) chosen?
    (a) Appointed by the President (b) Elected by the people
    (c) Elected by the MPs (d) Elected by MPs and MLAs

    Q.21. When on election duty, under whose control does the government officers work?
    (a) Central Government (b) Election Commission (c) District Magistrate (d) District Court

    Q.22.In India, who votes in a larger proportion in the elections?
    (a) Poor and illiterate (b) Rich and privileged (c) Educated people (d) Women

    Q.23.What does the term ‘incumbent’ mean?
    (a) The current holder of a political office (b) The candidate contesting the election
    (c) The outgoing candidate of the dissolved House (d) None of the above

    Q.24.An electoral malpractice in which a person assumes the identity of another for unlawful Purpose is
    (a) Incumbent (b) Rigging (c) Impersonation (d) Turnact

    Q.25.The Election Commission is:
    (a) An elected body (b) An appointed body (c) An independent body (d) both (b) and (c)

    Q.26Which of the following is not allowed while carrying out election campaign?
    (a) Giving money to voters to cast vote for candidates (b) Using TV channels
    (c) Door to door canvassing (d) Contacting voters on phone

    Q.27Which of the following statement is incorrect?
    (a) All citizens above the age of 21 can vote in an election
    (b) Every citizen has the right to vote regardless of caste religion or gender
    (c) Some criminals and persons with unsound mind can be denied the right to vote in rare situations
    (d) It is the responsibility of the government to get the names of all eligible voters put in the voters list

    Q.28 ‘‘Save Democracy’’ slogan was given by which of the following political party in 1977 Lok Sabha elections?
    (a) Congress Party (b) Janata Party (c) Telugu Desam Party (d) Left Front

    Q.29.What is the age of a person who can contest election for the Lok Sabha in India?
    (a) 25 years (b) 30 years (c) 35 years (d) 40 years

    Q.30. In our country, elections are conducted by an independent and powerful body which is known as
    (a) Election Commission (b) Parliament (c) Judiciary (d) Lok Sabha


    16 (c)17 (d)18 (b)19 (d) 20 (a)21(b)22 (a)23 (a)24 (c)25 (d)26 (a)27 (a)28 (b)29 (a)30 (a)

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