India Size and Location CBSE Notes, Lectures

CBSE - India Size and Location

  • By: Admin
  • 82°30' E has been selected as the Standard Meridian of India because it is situated in the centre of all longitudes and latitudes in which our country is located.

  • By: Admin
  • The difference between the durations of day and night hardly felt at Kanyakumari because it is near equator. As equator receives the direct Sun rays, there won't be hardly any difference between the day & night. But the Kashmir is far away from the equator.

  • By: Admin
  • Union Territories on the western coast of India are — Diu and Daman, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Mahe (Pondicherry) and Lakshadweep. 

    Union Territories on the eastern coast of India are — Pondicherry and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 

  • By: Admin
  • Largest Sate: Rajasthan
    Smallest State: Goa

  • By: Admin
  • Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Telangana.

  • By: Admin
  • (i) States having common frontiers with Pakistan are Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat.
    (ii) States having common frontiers with China are Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh,
    Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.
    (iii) States having common frontiers with Myanmar are Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram.

    (iv) States having common frontiers with Bangladesh are Meghalaya, Assam. West Bengal, Tripura.

  • By: Admin
  • (i) The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through:
    (a) Rajasthan
    (b) Chhattisgarh
    (c) Orissa
    (d) Tripura
    ANS (c) Orissa

  • By: Admin
  • The eastern-most longitude of India is:
    (a) 97°25′E
    (b) 68°7′E
    (c) 77°6′E
    (d) 82°32′E
    ANS (a) 97°25′E

  • By: Admin
  • Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Sikkim have common frontiers with :
    (a) China
    (b) Bhutan
    (c) Nepal
    (d) Myanmar
    ANS (c) Nepal

  • By: Admin
  • If you intend to visit the island Kavaratti during your summer vacations, which one of the following Union Territory of India you will be going to?
    (a) Pondicherry
    (b) Andaman and Nicobar
    (c) Lakshadweep
    (d) Diu and Daman
    ANS (c) Lakshadweep

  • By: Admin
  • My friend hails from a country which does not share land boundary with India. Identify the country.
    (a) Bhutan
    (b) Tajikistan
    (c) Myanmar
    (d) Nepal
    ANS (b) Tajikistan

  • By: Admin
  • (ii) Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil and Australia.

  • By: Admin
  • (iii) Andaman and Nicobar group of islands.

  • By: Admin
  • The longitudinal gap between Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat is about 30°. Due to this, there is time lag of about two hours between these states. Since Arunachal Pradesh is in the east hence the sun rises earlier here compared to in Gujarat. The Indian Standard Time is taken from the time of Standard Meridian of India and hence, the watches show the same time in both the states.

  • By: Admin
  • The central location of India at the head of the Indian Ocean is considered of great significance because -
    → It has given India a strategic advantage due to the Trans Indian ocean routes which connect the countries of Europe in the West and the countries of East Asia.
    → This helps India to establish close contact with West Asia, Africa and Europe from the Western coast and with the Southeast and East Asia from the Eastern coast.
    → The vast coastline and the natural harbours have benefitted India in carrying out trade and commerce with its neighbouring and distant countries.
    → It has given India a distinct climate than the rest of the Asian Continent.

  • By: Admin
  • (i) The island groups of India lying in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.
    (ii) The countries constituting Indian Subcontinent.
    (iv) The states through which the Tropic of Cancer passes.
    (iv) The northernmost latitude in degrees.
    (v) The southernmost latitude of the Indian mainland in degrees.
    (vi) The eastern and the western most longitudes in degrees.
    (vii) The place situated on the three seas.
    (viii)The strait separating Sri Lanka and India.
    (ix) The Union Territories of India.


    (i) Lakshadweep

    (ii) Countries which make the Indian subcontinent are Pakistan in the north-west, India at the core, Nepal in the north, Bhutan in the north-east and Bangladesh in the east.

    (iii) Tropic of Cancer passes through the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram.

    (iv) 37°6' N

    (v) 8°4' N

    (vi) Western - 68°7' E, Eastern - 97°25' E

    (vii) Kanyakumari

    (viii) The Palk Strait.

    (ix) Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Delhi, Lakshadweep, Puducherry (Pondicherry).

  • By: Admin
  • India lies entirely in northern hemisphere between latitudes 8°4'N and 37°6'N and longitudes 68°7'E and 97°25'E. Tropic of Cancer which passes through India divides the country into almost two equal halves.

  • By: Admin
  • The longitudinal extent of India is between 68°7' E and 97°25' E. Its implications are:
    → This is useful in identifying geographical location of India on the map.
    → The time lag is also decided by its longitudinal extent. India has longitudinal extent of 30° so there is time difference of 2 hours in local time between the eastern and western limits as every degree equals to 4 minutes.

  • By: Admin
  • The two islands are:
    • Andaman and Nicobar islands located in Bay of Bengal in the southeast.
    • Lakshadweep islands located in Arabian sea in the southwest.

  • By: Admin
  • Indira Point is the southernmost point of the Indian Union located in the Andaman and Nicobar islands which got submerged under the sea water in 2004 during the Tsunami.

  • By: Admin
  • Total landmass of India has an area of 3.28 million square km. which accounts for about 2.4 percent of the total geographical area of the world. It is the seventh largest country in the world in terms of landmass. India has a land boundary of about 15,200 km and the total length of the coast line of the mainland including Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep is 7,516.6 km.

  • By: Admin
  • The Standard Meridian of India is 82°30′ E which passes through Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh.

  • By: Admin
  • 82°30′ E is selected as Standard Meridian of India because:
    → It almost passes through the center of the country.
    → It is exactly 5 hours 30 minutes ahead of GMT.
    → It is multiple of 7°30′ as a globe has 24 time zones, each of 15 longitudes so local time in each zone at the middle longitude (divided by 7°30') is taken as Standard Time.

  • By: Admin
  • There is two hours difference between the easternmost and westernmost part of India. The local time at Arunachal Pradesh would be at least 2 hours ahead of Gujarat. Therefore, to maintain a uniform time throughout the country Standard meridian is important. This helps in avoiding confusion among people regarding the timing of trains, flights and telecast of various programs.

  • By: Admin
  • India occupies an important strategic position in South Asia due to following reasons:
    → The Indian landmass has a central location between the East and the West Asia.
    → The trans Indian Ocean routes which connect the countries of Europe in the West and the countries of East Asia provide a strategic central location to India.
    → The Deccan Peninsula protrudes into the Indian Ocean, thus helping India to establish close contact with West Asia, Africa and Europe from the western coast and with Southeast and East Asia from the eastern coast.

  • By: Admin
  • The Indian Ocean named after country, India because:
    → No other country has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean as India has.
    → The central location of India at the head of the Indian Ocean has provided India a strategic location of great significance along the trans-Indian Ocean route. It is India’s eminent position in the Indian Ocean which justifies the naming of the ocean after India.

  • By: Admin
  • The opening of Suez canal reduced the distance of India from Europe by 7000 km.

  • By: Admin
  • The Indian land routes are much older than her maritime contacts.
    → The various passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to the ancient travellers while the oceans restricted such interaction for a long time.
    → These routes have contributed in the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times. The ideas of the Upanishads and the Ramayana, the stories of Panchtantra, the Indian numerals, and the decimal system thus could reach many parts of the world.
    → The spices, muslin and other merchandise were taken from India to different countries. On the other hand, the influence of Greek sculpture, and the architectural styles of dome and minarets from West Asia can be seen in different parts of India.

  • By: Admin
  • India is often called Indian Subcontinent because:
    → It has distinct geographical features separated from other Asian countries by the majestic Himalayas and its extensions.
    → The climate of Indian subcontinent is characterised by monsoon type of climate.
    → It has its own culture as distinct from the rest of Asia.

  • By: Admin
  • The countries who shares its land boundaries with India are Pakistan and Afghanistan in the northwest, China (Tibet), Nepal and Bhutan in the north and Myanmar and Bangladesh in the east.

  • By: Admin
  • Several states are under the central government but independent in state affairs. Indian Union consists of all states and union territories. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. Before 1947 there were two types of states in India-the provinces and the princely states.

    2. Provinces are rules directly by British officials who were appointed by the Viceroy.

    3. Princely states were ruled by local hereditary rulers, who acknowledged sovereignty in return for the local autonomy

  • By: Admin
  • 1. Yes, India is the one of ancient civilization in the world.

    2. The idea of Upanishads and Ramayana, the stories of Panchtantra.

    3. The idea of the Indian numeral and the decimal system thus could reach parts of the world.

    4. India’s contacts with the world have continued through the ages but her relationships through the land routes are much older than the maritime contacts

  • By: Admin
  • A. West Bengal B. Odisha C. Telangana D. Andhra Pradesh E. Tamil Nadu 

  • By: Admin
  • A. Kerala B. Karnataka C. Goa D. Maharashtra E. Gujarat 

  • By: Admin
  • A. Assam B. Meghalaya C. Tripura D. Nagaland E. Manipur F. Mizoram G. Arunachal Pradesh 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. The Indian landmass has a central location between the East and the West Asia.

    2. India is a southward extension of the Asian Continent.

    3. The Trans Indian Ocean routes which connect the countries of Europe in the west and the countries of East Asia provide a strategic central location to India.

    4. The Deccan Peninsula protrudes into the Indian Ocean thus helping India establish close contact with West Asia, Africa and Europe from the western coast and with southeast and east Asia from the eastern coast.

    5. The various passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to the ancient travelers.

    6    These routes have contributed in the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. The Indian landmass has a central location between the East and the West Asia.

    2. India is a southward extension of the Asian Continent.  

    3. India occupies an important strategic position in South Asia.

    4. India Shares its land boundaries with Pakistan and Afghanistan in the North West china and Nepal and Bhutan in the North.

    5. Myanmar and Bangladesh in the east.

    6.   Our Southern neighbors across the sea consist of the two island countries namely Sri Lanka and Maldives.  

  • By: Admin
  • A part of continent, separated from the rest of the continent by natural features such as mountains and rivers. It has its own specific climatic features and a distinct cultural identity

  • By: Admin
  • 1. The earth rotates on its axis in 24 hours.

    2. I this time it covers 3600.

    3. Each degree of longitude covers 4 minutes.

    4. The central Meridian 82030’ When multiplied by 4 minutes it comes to 330 minutes or 5 hours and 30 minutes.

    5. So IST= GMT+51/2 hours. Greenwich Mean Time refers to 00 longitudes. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. The Indian landmass has a central location between the East and the West Asia.

    2. India is a southward extension of the Asian Continent.

    3. The Trans Indian Ocean routes which connect the countries of Europe in the west and the countries of East Asia provide a strategic central location to India.

    4. The Deccan Peninsula protrudes into the Indian Ocean thus helping India establish close contact with West Asia, Africa and Europe from the western coast and with southeast and east Asia from the eastern coast 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. India lies in the eastern hemisphere with reference to the Prime meridian.

    2. India lies in the east of the Prime Meridian, between 68o7’ E and 97025’ E.

    3. India has accepted 82o30’ E longitude as the Standard Meridian of India 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. These two cities lie within the Tropic of cancer.

    2. The tropic of cancer is the circle of latitude on the earth that marks the apparent position of t he sun at the time of the northern solstice.

    3. It is also the farthest north latitude at which the sun can be directly overhead.

    4. So in Delhi the sun is never directly overhead. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. Before 1947 there were two types of states in India-the provinces and the princely states. 

    2. Provinces are rules directly by British officials who were appointed by the Viceroy.

    3. Princely states were ruled by local hereditary rulers, who acknowledged sovereignty in return for the local autonomy 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. That helps us to understand and locates the geographical location and globe better.

    2. The use of latitudes and longitude offer a better and quick grasp of geographical facts.

    3. It determines the time zones of the different regions of the world.

    4. With the help of longitudes and latitudes it is easy to calculate local time and standard time.

    5. Longitudes and latitudes are also helping us to calculate the distance from one place to another. 

  • By: Admin
  • 1. The large land boundaries of India have helped to develop links with her neighboring countries.

    2. It contributed in the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times.

    3. The ideas of the Upanishads, the Ramayana, and the Geeta etc have become known to the world.

    4. The Indian Numerals as well as decimal system long back cross the border, Arabs took these ideas to the west.

    5. The long coast line on the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal has helped India to develop close maritime contact with West Asia, Africa and Europe from the western coast and with East Asia and the south East Asia from the eastern coast.  

  • By: Admin
  • 1. A narrow channel of sea which separates two land masses is known as:

    (a) Mound
    (b) Pass
    (c) Strait
    (d) Valley
    ans (c)

    2. China is the ....................... largest country in the world?
    (a) Second
    (b) Fourth
    (c) Third
    (d) Seventh
    ans (b)

    3. The sun rays fall vertically on the Tropic of Cancer on:
    (a) 21 June
    (b) 22 December
    (c) 21 March
    (d) 22 July
    ans (a)

    4. Which of the following is the southernmost latitude of the Indian mainland?
    (a) 8o 4' North
    (b) 8o 4' South
    (c) 6o 4' South
    (d) 6o 4' North
    ans (a)

    5. When was Indira-Point submerged under water?
    (a) 2005
    (b) 2004
    (c) 2007
    (d) 2002
    ans (b)

    6. From Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh the time lag is?
    (a) 2 hrs 35 min.
    (b) 2 hrs 10 min.
    (c) 2 hrs
    (d) 2 hrs 15 min.
    ans (c)

    7. What is the North-South extent of India?
    (a) 3214 kms
    (b) 2933 kms
    (c) 3241 kms
    (d) 3213 kms
    ans (a)

    8. The land mass of India has an area of ................... Million square kms.
    (a) 7.68
    (b) 8.54
    (c) 3.28
    (d) 9.59
    ans (c)

    9. What is the Standard Meridian of India?
    (a) 82o 30' West
    (b) 82o 30' South
    (c) 82o 30' East
    (d) 82o 30' North
    ans (c)

    10. What is the latitudinal extent of India?
    (a) 8o 4' N to 37o 6' N
    (b) 6o 4' N to 37o 6' N
    (c) 7o 4' N to 36o 7' N
    (d) 8o 4' N to 39o 6' N
    ans (a)

    11. The Southernmost point of Indian mainland is?
    (a) Kavarati
    (b) Lakshadweep
    (c) Kanyakumari
    (d) Indira Point
    ans (c)

    12. Which country shares land boundaries with India in the west?
    (a) China
    (b) Nepal
    (c) Bhutan
    (d) Pakistan
    ans (d)

    13. What is IST?
    (a) Indian Stretchable Time
    (b) International Standard Time
    (c) Indian Stabilized Time
    (d) Indian Standard Time
    ans (d)

    14. Which is the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
    (a) Kavaratti
    (b) Pondicherry
    (c) Port Blair
    (d) Diu and Daman
    ans (c)

    15. The east-west extent of India is
    (a) 3000 kms
    (b) 2933 kms
    (c) 3010 kms
    (d) 2910 kms
    ans (b)

    16. India lies in which of the hemisphere?
    (a) Southern & Eastern
    (b) Northern & Eastern
    (c) Northern & Western
    (d) Southern & Western
    ans (b)

    17. Tropic of Cancer does not pass through?
    (a) Rajasthan
    (b) Chhattisgarh
    (c) Orissa
    (d) Tripura
    ans (c)

    18. The westernmost longitude of India is?
    (a) 82o 30' East
    (b) 68o 7' West
    (c) 68o 7' East
    (d) 97o 25' East
    ans (c)

    19. Indian state with the longest coastline on the eastern coast:
    (a) Tamil Nadu
    (b) Andhra Pradesh
    (c) Orissa
    (d) Jharkhand
    ans (b)

    20. Latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India is?
    (a) 33o
    (b) 35o
    (c) 30o
    (d) 32o
    ans (c)

    21. Kavarati is situated in?
    (a) Pondicherry
    (b) Diu and Daman
    (c) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
    (d) Lakshadweep
    ans (d)

    22. India is the ................. largest country in the world.
    (a) Fifth
    (b) Sixth
    (c) Seventh
    (d) Eighth
    ans (c)

    23. Suez Canal was opened in the year
    (a) 1869
    (b) 1969
    (c) 1769
    (d) 1896
    ans (a)

    24. Total length of the coast line of the Indian mainland including Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep is?
    (a) 7156.6 kms
    (b) 7516.6 kms
    (c) 7651.6 kms
    (d) 7566.6 kms
    ans (b)

    25. India has got .............. no. of states and ............ no. of union territories?
    (a) 28 States 5 union territories
    (b) 27 States 7 union territories
    (c) 28 States 7 Union Territories
    (d) 27 States 5 union territories
    ans (c)

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